Dear cutes

I've been trying to organize my thoughts regarding our situation right now. And I'll try my best to be as straightforward with my thoughts and intentions as I write this.

Firstly, of course I'm not happy about us going through this right now a week into your NY trip. I know you aren't too.

I cant help but feel disappointed that as early as now - you feel that I'm incapable of taking care of you well into the future.

Note to self: So I guess I'm still too poor to take care of someone I truly love.

Now that we're officially not together, the only consolation I have is I'm not as broken as I usually am. The foundation left in place to protect myself from incidents like this is rock solid and rebuild able.

Thanks for allowing me to hope again. Thanks for letting me show love that I haven't been able to share with anyone else. Thanks that even for a brief period, I have loved and felt loved. We did try, and apart from the reasons of our breakup, dare I say we were very close to perfect for each other.

Take care of yourself. Be strong and don't let anyone treat you less than how I've made you feel while we were together.



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