The little green machine

Steady as she goes this little green machine. Nostalgic, cute and interesting - some words that wrap around my head when I think about her. She's not the fastest old lady around the block. She's not the sexiest nor the smoothest one around. But every time I spend time with her, she gives me reason to take care of her even though there's "someone" else that has captured my heart oh so completely - it's that fair, fair lady.

I catch myself looking at her, staring even, for moments at a time. I say to myself, "should I keep you, why do I keep you?" And yet she stares back without a word, with a smug face that tells me, "you love me". I have to concede and agree.

Bewitching this little green machine. Faithful, easy to be with yet quirky sometimes, she gives me countless reasons to smile. And again, I have to concede and agree when she tells me, "you love me".


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