A prayer

Thank you Lord for not allowing me to have this. To not allow me to win this for winning's sake. This isn't where You want me to be and if it didn't work out before with whatever I've been seeking, then there still is hope now.

Thank you for letting me hear good news today. That change really does happen and You do show Your mighty hand to those that truly follow You. Thank You for blessing them. I felt blessed listening to all of the good and real changes You've affected in their lives.

I pray that I receive the same blessings too. My stubborn and callous heart I offer to you. Help me cut the ties that bind me to sin. The memories of heartache, pain, betrayal, inadequacy, aimlessness - Lord I offer them to You.

Jim Carrey did say that depression is our avatar's way of saying they are tired of playing his role. I certainly am but I am not surrendering this to the enemy. I surrender my being to you Father, through Jesus' intercession.

I am hopeful Lord God. I haven't felt hope in awhile. I pray that this hope doesn't get snatched by the enemy. I pray for the people around me too. I pray for Liz' shining light continue to transform people. Mic that he grows with Joan and Pablo as they raise their family in your standard. I pray for Bianca of course, that Your mighty hand be apparent in her life. For Amiela to seek you for guidance, direction. For Celeste to depend on you to lead her life. My brother Marc to lead his family in accordance to your guidelines. For storycon to grow into something we could be proud of as it's rooted in integrity and let Your face be seen in the projects we make. Let us also be an influence in their lives. My family Lord, knock in their hearts loudly so they choose to follow You.

My personal requests would be to change this heart. now. For good and to leave whatever I'm clinging to so I can grow. To be of course, self sustaining and a positive help financially to my growing and aging family.

As per love life, yes let it take a back seat if it means I'll have You as my lover. It's still a desire I mean to pursue. I do have choices but Lord, let me always choose You.

Thank You for the blessings that I always take for granted. The fact I'm comfortably typing this in my now quiet room is a blessing I fail to acknowledge enough.

Forgive me for my sins of not trusting You. Forgive me Lord for now being the best version of me as You intended. Forgive me for the desire to be in love with just human love.

And thank You for this peace that I'm experiencing at this moment. Let me not fall into the trap of trying to reach out to her when clearly, It's Your job to do so.

I (I don't wanna use wanna) trust You. You are my strength and my song. you have become my salvation Lord.

And all of this I pray to you my heavenly Father, in Jesus' name. Amen.


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